About Us

Gina Quesenberry
About Us
Our goal is to provide financial assistance through donations and fundraising activities to area breast cancer patients in need. We will strive to be fair and impartial in determining who receives financial help by utilizing local area support groups and treatment clinic recommendations. So far the Gina Quesenberry Foundation has given over $460, 000 to men and women going through breast cancer in the LC Valley.
The foundation has been established in memory of Gina, whose life touched many people with her joy and support. By helping those with breast cancer, we honor Gina and her purpose for life.
The Foundation
Treatment for this disease affects the entire family, and is emotionally and financially devastating. My family and I discussed ways that we could keep my mother's memory alive, as well as provide assistance to others suffering with breast cancer. The idea of the "Gina Quesenberry Foundation" was born, and has become a reality.
In memory of my mother, the purpose of this foundation will be to help area breast cancer patients in need, offering financial assistance with chemo treatments, heating bills, wigs, whatever the need may be. Our hope is that this foundation will bring a measure of comfort to people suffering with this devastating disease, and to allow them to focus on their treatment.
Gina's Battle
I was a junior in high school when my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. At the time she was diagnosed, she had a stage four tumor, meaning that the cancer had already spread into her lymph nodes. Determined to beat the grim disease, she underwent treatment which included chemotherapy and radiation. Following that, she went into remission for approximately one year. That was to be her only time of remission as her cancer returned, this time in her bones.
Over the next few years, she continued treatment with a strong determination to overcome the odds that were beginning to stack against her. The cancer continued to overtake her, metastasizing into her stomach, liver, and finally into her lungs. She passed away on December 9, 2005, with all the courage, grace, and dignity that carried her through five difficult years.
-Laynie McClain
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Question or comment about the Gina Quesenberry Foundation? Please use the form located below to get in touch with us. If you are interested in applying for assistance with your medical bills, please use the form located here instead
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